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East Meets West: Our Amazing Partnership With Ridgeview Medical Center

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Ridgeview Medical Center has supported my private acupuncture clinic, EastWest Acupuncture, for years. 8 years ago, one of their incredible Physical Therapists, Becky Lee (Westonka RVMC), referred a post-op knee replacement patient to me. Becky knew her patients needed just a bit more help healing, so we collaborated on a plan of care for this patient. We often receive referrals for collaborative care from many different Ridgeview groups, ranging from the RVMC ER, Family practice, Oncology, to the Pain Clinic specialists and OBGYN teams.

5+ year ago I met Kelly Mulleady, Executive Director for the Foundation. She introduced me to the Ridgeview Foundation and helped me find ways to volunteer and support RVMC.

I started volunteering at the Foundation Golf Tournament to give back to RVMC for all the support they give EastWest. As I watched and learned more about RVMC and the Foundation, a I had a little dream spark in my heart. I vowed that someday EastWest Acupuncture is going to donate to the foundation, play in the golf tournament, and WIN…

On Monday, the Ridgeview Medical Center had their 37th Foundation Golf Tournament at Island View Golf Course in Waconia and that dream came true!

EastWest Acupuncture became an associate sponsor, and with our IMPRESSIVE team of golfers (my good friends), not only did we have fun... WE WON!

I am so grateful to people like Becky, Kelly, and all the Ridgeview Medical Center teams for the support and encouragement they have given us through the years. I am so happy that the EastWest Acupuncture Team partners with such a wonderful healthcare system like Ridgeview Medical Center.

We got you!

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